Todd Snively Interview – Smartest Amazon Seller In the Room

Todd Snively and Scott Needham – two of the largest Amazon sellers on the platform kick it back on Scott’s “Smartest Amazon Seller *in the room, podcast.

You can listen to the podcast over on Scott’s spreaker site.

They are joined by Expert University™ Co-Founder, Chris Keef.

This dream team of Amazon experts recently had the opportunity to break bread at the STK restaurant in Condado, Puerto Rico in the beautiful Vanderbilt resort. Matter of fact, Todd loves this area so much he actually made the move there in March 2020.

Todd Snively and Scott Needham

These are the kind of dinners that you wish you were a fly on the wall, so to speak.

Todd Snively – Amazon Wholesale Model

Both Scott and Todd are experts in the wholesale model of selling on Amazon. They are quick to point out that this model allows both of them to break eight and nine figures in the sale of name brand products year after year.

Third party sellers are a part of Amazon’s business strategy for continued growth. In 2019 the then CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos spent a considerable amount of time in his annual report to shareholders discussing how third party sellers literally kicked Amazon’s first party butt. What he meant was third party sellers were able to get more products into the Amazon marketplace, and keep those products in stock.

Todd Snively has been living and breathing this model on Amazon since 2009 and is pentecostal about telling others how it’s one of the best possible models to create online income.

Buy Box Rotation

Todd was the very first person to designate the featured seller on an Amazon product as the winner of the “Buy Box”. The term buy box caught on and is now commonly used, and as Todd jokes, he receives no royalties for coining the phrase.

See also  Side Hustle City Podcast Interview Todd Snively

Amazon is the only marketplace to address their logistical needs by sharing the sales of a name brand product amongst the competitive sellers.

If you are interested in working with Todd to learn how to become a competitive seller on Amazon, visit his company, Expert University and apply for the Wholesale Product Mastery program.